Sunday, September 11, 2011

Colorado Trip/Birthday Weekend

Last weekend was significant in several ways for me.  I turned 25, celebrated 5 years of dating my husband, and got to see one of my little brothers for the first time since the beginning of the summer.  Although I love my family, it (sadly) isn't actually that off base to go several months without seeing them, since we live 10 hours away from home.  Things continue to change, as our family has completed the transition from "mom and dad with children at home" to "empty nest parents with all kids out and gone" with the beginning of college for Adam and Garrett.  Garrett just started at Murray State (my alma mater!) and Adam is at school at the Air Force Academy in Colorado Springs, Colorado.  It makes it different knowing that they aren't at home for us to come visit any time we can anymore.  The Davises continue to spread out! 

 With that in mind, last weekend I had the opportunity to take off a few days of work to add on to Labor Day weekend and spend it in Colorado Springs with my parents, sister, and brother Adam for the Air Force Academy's family weekend.  The down side was that Jared wasn't able to go since he had just started school and auditions for the year, and I would be gone on my birthday (which is coincidentally our 5 year dating anniversary as well).  But...I wasn't about to pass up the opportunity, so I went! (With Jared's blessing, of course)

Jared drove me to the airport early Thursday, Sept 1st, and Mom and Dad picked me up at the airport in Colorado Springs.  Many airports I've been to aren't much to look at, but wow!  The Rocky Mountains provide a gorgeous view from nearly everywhere you are in Colorado (the areas I got to go to, anyway) including the air port.  We went out to lunch and ate outside at a Panera in an outdoor mall, and it was amazing how wonderfully cool and breezy the weather was comparatively with the nasty, humid hot that has been Arkansas all summer.  Mom and I ended up staying and shopping while Dad drove up to Denver to pick up Rachel, and we all went out for an early birthday dinner for me at a nice Italian restaurant.

Friday morning (my birthday!) we got up and out early to see Adam at the Academy before he had to line up with his squadron for a parade. (the marching kind, not the throw candy kind. ha) Rachel and I ran through the parking lot to try to find him before he had to line up, as we were running we do.  I'll be the first to admit to not being in shape, but after just a tiny sprint to Adam once we caught sight of him, Rachel and I were both panting like we'd run a mile.  There is definitely something to be said for the change of altitude, and how thin the air gets!  Adam looked so good in his dress uniform, and somehow had turned into an adult since the last time I had seen him at his high school graduation.  He had to leave to join his squadron, but the rest of us headed to the stands and enjoyed watching the squadrons march, people parachute into the parade field, and gliders and other aircraft fly by.  After the parade, Adam took us to his dorm (or whatever it's called there) and we got to go to a few classes with him.  We practically bought out the gift shop (I bought some USAFA old man sweatpants with the elastic at the ankles! ha) and walked all over campus, including the chapel.  We got to take Adam off campus and went out to eat with the other Kentucky families, which was fun!  By the end of my 25th birthday, I had been asked what grade I was in high school three times.  Really?? I'll be happy about it one day, I guess.

Saturday we went back over to the Academy to go to a tailgate and also the USAFA/South Dakota football game.  All the cadets had to march onto the football field, then "run like hell" for the stands and try not to get trampled.  Sorry Garrett, Murray State football games are not this interesting.  Whenever Air Force made a touch down, a group of "doolies" (sp?) had to run onto the field and do a push up for every point we had on the board.  And, all the cadets had to be in uniform.  Needless to say, Rachel and I were enjoying many aspects of our experience! (I did remind her at one point that age wise, we both could have babysat for most of those kids.  Does that make me feel old? yup.)  After the game we left Colorado Springs and drove up past Denver to Louisville, Colorado.  We ate dinner at Qdoba per Adam's request, and I watched someone each two burritos for the first time. If you've ever eaten at Qdoba, you'll know what a scary feat this is!  

Sunday we drove out to Rocky Mountain National Park, and did a 6 mile hike to a mountain lake.  I've been to several beautiful places in my life, but the scenery on this hike was incomparable (my pictures don't do it justice).  On the way out of the park hours later, Dad may or may not have run over Rachel's toe as she stood outside the car to take a picture of elk...but neither life nor limb was lost, so I'll leave that one alone. :)  Tired and hungry, we went out to dinner at PF Changs, then went back to the hotel and crashed.  

Monday morning we went out for breakfast, drove Rachel to the airport in Denver, and drove back to Colorado Springs.  We drove through Garden of the Gods to kill time before I had to go to the airport in Colorado Springs, and then I was sent off back to Fayetteville.  

I had a wonderful weekend with (part) of my family, but it was weird without Jared or Garrett.  Rachel and I had fun sharing a room with Adam, including late night dance parties, Adam sleep walking/talking, and figuring out how to maintain privacy with three people sharing one bathroom.  Well, maybe we'll tweak a few things for next year, but I'm hoping we'll be able to swing a repeat.